Alex Buell and I arrived in Cambodia at 11:30pm local time. By the time we got all our stuff, got visas, went through customs and got outside it was 12:15am.
My day started 5:00am Thursday morning. First flight was at 8:00. Arrived in Seattle at 9:00. Our flight to Seoul wasn't until 2:45 so my sister came and picked me up for a few hours. We went to Borders so I could buy some teacher stuff, the man behind the counter asked me where I taught at. I replied, Cambodia. He was surprised. I think because it has been so talked about and so thought about the hugeness of it all is often lost on me.
Found Alex at the airport and spent eleven hours in the air. Not the most fun. Two hour layover in South Korea was pretty exciting. The airport was more a shopping mall than an airport. We got coffee and got on another plane for another five hours. There was a Korean girl who sat next to us, she spoke a little english and wanted to practice with us, since we were the only two white people on the plane... She was adorable and giggled every time she said something or we said something.
After thirty hours of almost sleepless travel, a hug from a stranger and beds in a room with air conditioning was a welcome change.
Now we're here. Church this morning, lunch, sleep.
I know I am in Cambodia... No, I know I am not at home anymore.
I am told I am in Cambodia. Which is in SE Asia. I have no idea where I am in reference to anything. I'm struggling with reality... Which is not really anything new... :]
All I know is that Cambodia is 14 hours ahead of the west coast, and that God has this whole this planned out.
Other than that, I'm just going with the flow.