Friday, November 12, 2010


I'm learning to be thankful for little things in Cambodia. Today I was thankful for fire.

Yesterday we ran out of gas in the apartment.
That means no cooking.
Which translates into yogurt and toast.

Breakfast, no big deal.

At school I forgot to go tell Augusta. I was too busy giving spelling tests and making children run for talking during their spelling tests.
And then during fourth period we usually watch Veggie Tales. But today I said no, because they were loud and disrespectful today. My children were maaaaaaaad. Which was a whole new crisis.
I need to work on keeping a straight face when discipling. I need to channel my inner Karsten Cook.

I got home after school, starved, with twenty minutes before I had to be out the door again.
I was quickly going to make something, but alas, we have no gas.


Ok, ok. Why do we have nothing we can eat cold?! Fine, yogurt and oatmeal squares. No problem. I'll tell Augusta on the way out.

I discovered soon after that Augusta was in staff meeting at school and I wouldn't be able to tell her until after I got home again.

Oh no. It's going to be Sabbath soon, which means we're going to not have a stove until Monday.


Once I got home again, I called Fay, who walked over to Augusta's house, who called the guy, who brought the gas.
I was surprised when someone knocked on door with a tank over his shoulder. It's not too late!

He hooked it up, and knocked on the door again and said, finish!
I said, THANK YOU. Acoon shuhran!!!

I turned on the stove and there was a FIRE!!!!!!!
And for a moment, I felt a little like Tom Hanks in Cast Away when he first makes a fire.

AHAHAAAAHAHAA! FIRE! I. HAVE. MADE. FIRE. Or, I called Fay, who told Augusta, who called a guy, who brought a tank and plugged it in. But, regardless, I TURNED THE STOVE ON and there was FIRE.

So today I am thankful for fire.
What are you thankful for?

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