Monday, February 21, 2011

Growing is a verb.

It's only Monday and I'm exhausted.

Our quarter tests were due today during morning worship. I didn't get them finished until the end of school had passed.
Sharon gave us homework today. We have course outlines due tomorrow in case of evaluation in two weeks.
Kim Sreng is down subbing for grade two this week, and I miss him.
I have lost BOTH of my good red pens and couldn't find any of the low quality ones. Which means I didn't do any grading today.
I sent Joshua out of the room today before I lost my cool. That boy! I just don't understand!
We're back down to no money until the end of this week.

I look at these "grown ups" that surround me and I wonder how they got to be like that.

They of course can act out child like joy without the strings of inhibitions.
Like when Kim Sreng shouts Annie! Thida is hitting me! And then smacks himself with a ruler.
Or Gary saying things in Sabbath School, Andrew, go around with the offering box, and if they don't give, ask!
Or when Rithy scolds me for wrong shoes when he also wears wrong shoes.
Or my mommy who still loves me even though I forget to e-mail back and I'm not very good at being on skype.
Or Mark darting across the table during Dutch Blitz while squeals escape him.
Or Fay coming into morning worship, good morning! Why is everyone so quiet?! Lets get this day started!

These people and many others that I admire and respect I would describe with words like responsible, patient, wise, giving, hardworking and kind.
Characteristics that I know I am often lacking.

I am pushed to be more this year. I don't just sit in a classroom, I CREATE the classroom. I'm good at energy, at laughter, at joy, at races after lunch, at spelling every word that is thrown at my by my kids, at acting out Shakespeare all by myself, at using synonyms until everyone understands, at making grammar a little less boring, at singing at the top of my lungs, at being ALIVE!

So I guess tomorrow I'll use those things I have been given, and maybe someday the rest will come into view.

When we talk about verbs ending in 'ing' in my classroom I ask, why does this verb have an ing?
They respond, Because we're doing it RIGHT NOW!!

"In a word, what I'm saying is, GROW UP. You're kingdom subjects. Now live like it!! Live out your God created identity. Live generously and graciously toward others, the way God lives toward you."
Matthew 5:48

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